Gerrit Bauch

Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW)
Bielefeld University, Germany


UHG V10-135

Universitätsstraße 25

Bielefeld 33615, Germany

I am a postdoc at the IMW and the CeUS as well as an associated postdoc within the CUDE research training group at Bielefeld University. I have recently finished my doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Frank Riedel and Prof. Andreas Blume.

My research interests include game and decision theory under uncertainty and their application to languages and partnership dissolutions.
I further fancy complex analysis and coding theory.

Before coming to Bielefeld, I’ve graduated in mathematics at Heidelberg University under the supervision of Prof. Rainer Weissauer on a conjecture on Siegel modular forms.


Jul 12, 2024 I presented the paper The Texas Shoot-Out under Knightian Uncertainty at the Conference on Mechanism and Institution Design in Budapest, Hungary.
Jun 13, 2024 I presented the paper Effects of noise on the grammar of languages at the 2nd Paris Workshop on Games, Decisions, and Language in Paris, France.
Feb 8, 2024 I successfully defended my doctoral thesis entitled “From words of approach to words of departure: Essays on noisy communication and partnership dissolution under uncertainty”.